Friday, May 6, 2011

how to make a solar panel -home wind power generator

You don't need to be a master builder, anybody can make solar panels. It's really quite easy to make solar panels once you know the secrets. Plus, my guide is seperated into easy to follow step-by-step format.
homemade diy wind turbine generator wind power
how to make pv solar panels - make a small solar panel.Residential - do it yourself solar panels

How to Make Build Small Solar Panel Part A.

how to make solar power panel plans from your backyardHow To build solar panels.
make a small pv solar power panel cheap how to make a small solar panel.
make a small diy do it yourself solar panel system with guides In simple, easy-to-read english.
make build solar panels at home solar electricity step by step Where to buy solar cells for a small solar panel.
home made build diy wind generator turbine windmill How to build/make the solar panel frame.
how to homemade diy wind mill turbine generator Information to calculate your electricity use.
make solar panels solar cells Where to place a blocking diode.
how to build make a solar panel The type to use for your wattage solar panel.
solar energy make residential domestic solar panel Pages of detail instructions and photos on small solar panel diagrams.
build diy windmill turbine generator plans at home Different types of wire used - tabbing, ribbon
make build folding 80/100 watt solar panel in your backyard Solar cells. How to solder
make solar energy solar electricity panels Small solar panel wiring diagrams for series or pararell connection.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Solar Energy Pictures

Solar Energy Pictures
 Solar Energy Pictures

Solar Energy Pictures
 Solar Energy Pictures

Solar Energy Pictures
 Solar Energy Pictures

Solar Energy Pictures
 Solar Energy Pictures

 Solar Energy Pictures

Solar Energy Pictures

Solar Energy Pictures

Solar Energy Disadvantages

High installation costs

Solar Energy DisadvantagesMany people consider the initial costs of purchasing and installing equipment to be the most significant solar energy disadvantage.

Whilst the use of solar energy will undoubtedly save money over time, it does involve a significant capital outlay at the outset.

The installation of a photovoltaic system to provide electricity for a 3-bedroom home costs from $12,000 to $30,000 before government rebates and tax credits. Even a less ambitious solar water heating system costs from $3,000 to $5,000.
These are significant amounts that will discourage many from investing in renewable energy sources such as solar power.

Luckily for us, there are now do-it-yourself guides with instructions on how to fabricate solar panels for less than $200. One of the best examples can be found here. Thousands of families have already built their own solar energy plants today using these simple to follow guidelines.

Space requirement for the solar panels and/or solar collectors

One solar energy disadvantage that can not be overcome is the space required to install solar panels and/or solar collectors. Solar panels or solar collectors can take up hundreds of square feet of roof or backyard space which is clearly going to be a major problem in confined inner city areas.

Solar energy can not be captured every day and everywhere

Solar energy can only be exploited when the sun is shining and its energy can be captured. Unfortunately, the amount of sunlight that arrives at the earth’s surface is not constant. It depends on location, time of day, time of year, and weather conditions. Even the most hi-tech solar equipment will be useless at night and perform poorly when it is overcast. If you live in a region where sunshine is limited it will be difficult to produce a constant supply of solar energy.

Solar Energy Disadvantages

Energy costs and the pollution from manufacturing solar energy systems

We have been conditioned to believe that solar energy is clean and green. However, a solar energy disadvantage that you should be aware of is that manufacturing solar panels contributes to greenhouse emissions. It takes power to produce solar cells, and this energy is usually produced using fossil fuels like oil or coal. Like it or not, the manufacture of solar cells and the other components of solar energy systems depends on the use of non-renewable fossil fuels which contribute to carbon emissions and lobal warming. Solar energy may be clean and green but the equipment required to harness it is not.

Why of Solar Energy

Solar Energy pictures
 Solar Energy for House

More and more people are becoming conscious about the environment and going for natural energy options. Solar energy is one such option that is simple and economical. Learnt more how to use solar energy from the points mentioned below.

Solar Energy pictures
Solar Energy for House
The solar panels located on the house roof capture sun rays. This sets off another panel located on the other side of the home which converts the electricity or current from direct to alternating. This leads to creating of electricity in all the outlets that are there in the house. In case the residents of the house fail to use it immediately, the current is stored for future use.

Using solar energy has benefits on two fronts – financial and environmental.

  • Financial benefits are created through the reduction of energy bills. People can also garner credits from the local electrical authority. Using solar energy is also said to enhance the real estate value of a residence.
  • Environmental benefits are created through the reduction of problems related to global warming. It also leads to conservation of fossil fuels. Pollution is also reduced leading to a cleaner air and water.

Solar Energy pictures
Solar Energy for House
Ensure that you go through quality instructions while installing solar panels on your own. This will relieve you of stress and also make you feel pleasant about your DIY project. Internet is a good place to start searching for DIY manuals.

We have gone through several guides to present you a good way of building your very own solar panels for energy. Do not hesitate and acquaint yourselves with how to generate solar energy and reduce your energy bills.

Solar Energy Home

Solar Energy Home 
Solar Energy Home
When a person decides to transform an electric company powered home into a solar energy home, the process can be rather lengthy, but will most definitely pay off. There are so many ways solar energy home helps the individual as well as surrounding neighbors. Most of the time the surrounding neighbors does not realize the benefits of a person which has a solar energy home.

First of all, every appliance and utility inside a home can become fully operational when the presence of solar energy is initiated. A solar energy home which delves on the sun as the only source of energy can be used for the electricity to appliances, lighting, and of course to heat water. Hot water heaters draw a huge amount of electric current and cost a lot of money when electricity is provided through a major power company.

 Solar Energy Home

Lighting inside solar energy homes does not have to operate with a switch as accustomed to a regular power company. These types of solar lights can be strategically placed throughout the new solar energy home to draw the most sun during the day. Then upon nightfall the lights radiate according to the amount of sun drawn through the day. These lights are not as bright as regular lights, so there will have to be more lights installed to suffice.

energy saving light bulb
Converting a home into a solar energy home can seem very intimidating to the home owner which is not educated in the subject of solar energy. However, it is a change which should be assessed by every individual home owner on the planet.

I suggest you check out my other guide on residential solar energy and solar energy installation

Solar energy would remarkably match fuel

Solar energy

Research shows that by 2013, solar energy would remarkably match fuel costs. Having more people being open to the idea of using solar energy would contribute to an increase in production of these solar panel equipments. An increase in the demand of these equipments will trigger the costs to go down thus enticing more people to buy.
Peak oil, a phenomenon referring to the peak global production of crude oil entails that after reaching its peak, a downhill in the production would eventually follow. This phenomenon which is expected to take place in 2013 is expected to create more awareness in the use of renewable sources of energy such as solar energy. 

Countries such as Spain and California in the US have already established a widespread use of solar energy resulting to the cost of which matching with fuel costs. Advancements in technology creating more sophisticated equipments and additional drives and campaigns creating awareness in the use of this type of energy are expected to influence more consumers. Ordinary consumers are also expected to adapt to the use of renewable energy in the future.

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